We are still scheduling Senior Portrait appointments. If you would like to contact us regarding your Senior Portraits, please call us at 865-777-5683.
I found the following article on http://www.lifescript.com/Life/Family/Kids/Senior_Pictures_Top_20_Portrait_Tips.aspx and thought that it would be helpful to Seniors who have not yet had their Senior Portraits taken.
High school senior pictures are an American tradition that has been around at least since World War II. These timeless photos taken by a professional photographer during the high school senior year capture teenage freshness as it’s poised on the brink of adulthood, ready to begin a career or enter college.
Because senior portraits are so meaningful and last a lifetime, seniors will want to prepare for the big day by getting suggestions for poses and clothing from friends, parents and the photographer.
Below are the top 20 portrait tips to help you plan for a photo session of senior pictures.
1. Plan several outfits to bring.
2. Keep your clothing visually simple.
3. Give consideration to color.
4. Use clothing to accentuate your best features.
5. Go easy on the jewelry.
6. Apply makeup normally.
7. Bring powder.
8. Go with practiced hair styles.
9. Guys need a fresh shave.
10. Don’t worry about blemishes.
11. Don’t worry about braces.
12. Stay away from tans.
13. Help your glasses avoid glare. In most cases your optician can remove
your lenses for your portraits at no cost.
14. Make sure your hands are presentable.
15. Practice your facial expressions.
16. Work on your poses.
17. Personalize your photos with props.
18. Bring someone with you.
19. Become comfortable with the photographer.
20. Only take the photo if you’re feeling your best.
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