Nearly every parent that has a teen aged daughter living in their home has heard of the popular reality TV show America's Next Top Model. Young girls everywhere want to be models.
In our studio, we've had several moms call us to schedule photo shoots for their young aspiring model daughters. When we sit down with these girls and their mothers to discuss what they want from their portrait experience with us, most of the moms simply want their daughters to feel pretty, AND the girls want fun images like they see on America's Next Top Model.
We are now doing Pampered Portrait Parties/ My First Makeover for girls aged 13 and up!
A Pampered Portrait Party/ My First Makeover portrait session works like this:
A girl invites 3-5 girlfriends into our portrait studio to have glamour portraits taken.
We provide a licensed hair stylist and make-up artist to style hair and make-up for every girl attending, they will also teach the girls about hair care and give the girls make-up and skin care tips.
We provide a full meal or light snacks for all of the girls and will even allow the host girls to bring in a movie to play in our viewing gallery while the photo shoot is taking place.
The portrait session takes 3-5 hours. The girls take away from this not only great memories with their friends, but also more self confidence because of their new makeover, and great new tips and tricks for them to try at home.
Pampered Portrait Parties/My First Makeover Portrait Sessions are great for:
~Sweet 16 party ideas
~Girls Night Out or anytime!
If you would like more information regarding Pampered Portrait Parties/My First Makeover Portrait Sessions please call us at 865-777-5683.
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